Thursday, November 15, 2012


prolific writers abound, of that specie this soul is not ... at least not publicly. What is written here is opinion and references are usually  included not necessarily to support however to give the reader pause and to get the brain functioning and see what it says to you, after all GOD's message is different for each of us ... correction point of view on the message.

How can you say that you say, GOD's message is the same yesterday, today and forever, of course it is, yet it is perceived differently based on our life circumstances, experiences etc. For the wayward soul behind these words the perspective in relationship ... Friend, Father, Counselor,  Comforter, Forgiver. Seriously to understand how folks see GOD as someone to be feared is beyond me, I do not fear GOD I embrace HIM. Yes we are all flawed, sinful yet GOD reached out and gave a perfect sacrifice which is JESUS, and yes we should respect and be grateful for what JESUS sacrificed we should also not lose focus of the fact HE is GOD's son and it is GOD (the FATHER) who was reaching out for a rebuilt relationship. While John 3:16 is popular and deeply moving we also need to keep in mind the next verse, it is equally important and most easily forgotten about.
I have many friends that are Gay and Christians seem to be unforgiving, and mean and I want to offer a different perspective to my fellow believers based on John 3:17 and with this statement I rebuke all who need it in the name of Jesus and with that I forgive you as well.
John 3:17 for Christ came not into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.
See no condemnation, just forgiveness ... we must forgive and just love people and share the forgiveness and love of JESUS after all it is not our job to judge it is GOD's

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